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نجوم المنتدي
- إنضم
- 5 مايو 2021
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هل تعلم عن الماء بالانجليزي
هل تعلم عن الماء بالانجليزي

Do you know about water
- Did you know that water is the most important substance on earth, and in order for all plants and animals to live they must have access to water, as it is one of the secrets of life that cannot be lived without.
- Did you know that water is the most important element for the good growth of agricultural crops and agricultural stocks, and it is used in the manufacture of many important products?
- Did you know that large rocks contain large protrusions in low areas in which water is retained, and this is what forms natural dams, and sometimes people create a wall to increase the amount of water preserved.
- Did you know that water is indispensable for any living being
هل تعلم أن الماء لا غنى عنه لأى كائن حي.
- Did you know that water is the only natural substance that is found in all three physical states, liquid, solid and gaseous at Earth’s normal temperatures
- Did you know that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit?
- Did you know that ice floats because its density is less than water, which makes water a substance that differs from the rest of the materials?
- Did you know that water is called the universal solvent because it is used to dissolve so many substances?
- Did you know that water inside the human and animal body conveys many beneficial nutrients and minerals, This is the importance of water in life.
- Did you know that the stages of the water cycle in nature are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff.
Did you know about water and its properties
- Did you know that the pH of pure water is neutral and equal to 7, so water is not an acid or base substance.
- Did you know that water molecules stick together, making it a highly sticky substance, as it is the most cohesive among non-metallic liquids?
- Did you know that a water molecule is highly sticky and very viscous? This is evidence that water molecules tend to stick to molecules of other materials.
- Did you know that water absorbs heat before it starts heating, and this is what makes water an essential element in industries and in auto cooling, because this property helps to regulate the rate of air change in temperature, and this is what makes the temperature change between seasons gradually and not surprisingly, especially Near the ocean
- Did you know that water has a very high surface tension property and this is what causes water droplets to clump together instead of spreading in a thin layer, and this property is responsible for moving nutrients through plant roots and through tiny blood vessels in the human body.
- Did you know that the speed of sound in sea water at 30 ° C is 1545 meters per second.
- Did you know that water sources are very many and a complete research on water sources can be presented
- Did you know that air pressure affects the boiling point of water, the higher the height, the lower the air pressure, and the lower the water boiling point
- Did you know that water boils water at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level, while it boils at 5,000 feet at 94.9 degrees Celsius.
لافته عن الماء بالانجليزي
Water is the most important element in the environment, so all plants and animals need water to live, and living things cannot live on Earth without water, and all vital functions in the human body depend on water such as the formation of saliva, the regulation of body temperature, the transport of nutrients and digestion, so it must be preserved. Water in all possible ways.الماء هو نعمة من نعم الله ، وهو العنصر الأهم في البيئة فتحتاج جميع النباتات والحيوانات إلى الماء لتعيش ، ولا يمكن أن تعيش الكائنات الحية على الأرض بدون ماء ، وتعتمد جميع الوظائف الحيوية في جسم الإنسان على الماء مثل تكوين اللعاب وتنظيم درجة حرارة الجسم ، ونقل المغذيات والهضم ، لذلك يجب الحفاظ على الماء بكل الطرق الممكنة والتي يمكنا التحدث عنها بشكل مفصل في بحث عن الماء و بحث عن الماء بالانجليزي.

اعضاء الغابة العربية شاهدوا ايضا
اسم الموضوع : هل تعلم عن الماء بالانجليزي
المصدر : English forum