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رسائل حب بالانجليزي مع الترجمة
رسائل حب بالانجليزي مع الترجمة

رسائل حب بالانجليزي قصيرة
عندما نشعر بالحب تجاه أي شخص، نود أن نجعله يعرف شعورنا هذا، وأفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك تكون من خلال الكلمات، سواء كنا نقولها أو نكتبها في رسائل، كما أنها وسيلة لتجعل من نحبهم سعداء، وفي التالي كلام حب بالانجليزي يُمكن استخدامه في الرسائل: [1] [2]- Your voice is my favorite voice I love to hear all the time, especially when I’m by your side and look into your eyes, hold your hands, I love you so much.
- Since I met you I don’t feel like crying anymore, but I laugh a lot, I wait for the days to pass to see you, you have become my heaven in this world.
- I don’t know what I was doing in my life before I saw you, but I can say that I didn’t live before you, you became my next life.
- If anyone asks me to describe you in one word, all I can say is that you are my heart.
- Stop making me stop thinking about you, I’m all the time busy with you, I can’t do anything else anymore.
رسائل حب انجليزي طويلة
- You make me forget how to breathe, even though no one is perfect, you are so close to this, all I need is your presence here by my side, I promise I will love you more than every passing day.
- I didn’t know what love meant, but after I met you I realized very well what it means, it became all my thinking, feeling, all I had, and I could no longer imagine how I could live a day without you, it became impossible, so stay with me.
- I always wake up with a big smile, because of your presence in my life, and I wish to continue this for the rest of my life, but you must stay with me until I can achieve this, you are my love, my friend, my heart.
عبارات حب بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي
قد يجد البعض أن التعبير عن الحب باللغة الإنجليزية أفضل من اللغة العربية، أو أنه يقوم بتوصيل المشاعر أكثر، ولذا يفضلون استخدام بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية في وصف حبهم، وفي التالي عبارات حب بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي:- You are my whole world, and without you the world is nothing, I wish to be with you every day, every hour, every minute.
- You fill my mind and my thoughts, I can no longer think of anything but you.
- When you like one of the wonderful things that God has created, you must remember that you are one of those things, you are wonderful and special, I love you.
- When I look at you, I realize that you have become such an important part of my life, and I know how special you are and how much you make me happy all the time.
- You are the reason why I work so hard, so that we can reach that perfect moment, to be together, I love you.
- Meeting you was the most beautiful thing that happened to me in my life, and you are the first thoughts that come to me in the morning and also the last before I sleep.
- I would not have been able to face life’s difficulties had it not been for your presence in my life and my heart.
رسائل انجليزية مترجمة قصيرة جدا
ليس من الضروري أن تكون رسائل الحب طويلة لإظهار الاهتمام، فيكفي أن تكون بكلمات قليلة ولكن مُعبرة، وفي التالي رسائل انجليزية مترجمة قصيرة جدا:- You are the moon that lights my sky by night, and the sun that lights my land by day.
- When I found you I realized I found my soul mate, you became my life, and I won’t let you go away from me, I will always love you.
- I’m lost without you, you are my dream that I dream every night.
- I love you more than anything else in life, my love for you is indescribable or quantifiable.
اعضاء الغابة العربية شاهدوا ايضا
اسم الموضوع : رسائل حب بالانجليزي مع الترجمة
المصدر : English forum